Wednesday, June 8, 2011


In the past computer were thought to be large, slow and of not much use, being made originally to do large tests such as sending a man to the moon, computers were thought to be something for the government, but now that has changed. With the unveiling of Watson an artificial computer system that can answer questions in the natural language it was shown that computers still have a large future in technology. Watson was a IBM DeepQA project for a research team led by principal investigator David Ferrucci.
Watson is composed of some very expensive and high tech hardware. Having POWER7 processors and the DeepQA IBM hardware. Watson is made up of a cluster of ninety IBM Power 750 servers plus additional I/O, network and cluster controller nodes in 10 racks with a total of 2880 POWER7 processor cores and 16 Terabytes of RAM. Each Power 750 server uses a 3.5 GHz POWER7 eight core processor, with four threads per core. The POWER7 processor's massively parallel processing capability is an ideal match for Watson's IBM DeepQA software which is embarrassingly parallel (that is a workload that is easily split up into multiple parallel tasks).
To test Watson it was put into the game show Jeopardy. He participated in three games one of which was against the man with the longest win streak and the biggest all time money winner. This proves that the computer system that is Watson and is effective, they also named Watson after IBM’s first president, Thomas J. Watson.
Watson could definitely be the start to something big. He could be the beginning to self moving and robot figures like what  you see in Star Wars, since Watson talks that part is already taken care of. Though as soon as they have a working body for one we could be seeing robots in our houses making us coffee and toast in the morning and turning out the lights at night.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

3D Education

Nowadays students complain and plainly dislike or hate school. The way students see school now is just boring until say lunch hour and the socializing and friends you get to have. Teaching students has always been done by teachers on a board with sheets and explanations. Going to school has always been the same with an exception of a field trip here and there to break the boredom of the weeks of continuous school. Though now all of this may be changing with the 3D education.
3D Education is the new way of teaching. Although many people think that 3D Education won’t make a difference in tests and that it may just be a waste of money, test results show otherwise.
3D Education has many benefits, it brings excitement into learning so the students pay attention, the lessons are captivating and engaging, many of the abstract objects become tangible for students, the understanding of complex ideas improves, knowledge retention increases, the proven fact is that 3D improves test scores.
From comparing the learning of two classes, one which learns from a 2D view and the other a 3D view, the 2D view may take up to 2-3 classes to get across the message of a topic, whereas the 3D can learn it in a single class because they have a better experience with the topic. The test results were outstanding, the learning with 2D put up the average test up 9.7% whereas the 3D put up the marks an outstanding 35%.
3D education will definitely have an impact in the future on teaching. If teachers can they will make it easier for children to learn. If learning becomes faster and more effective because of this the government will be issueing for schools to have this in there class rooms and use it at every chance they have. A smarter generation of us could make the difference of the one under, if we're smart from this we could have the knowledge to increase the learning capability to the generation after us and so on. Plus if we're more adapt to the technology plus smarter we could be the ones to make it to the moon and so on. Better school is the possibility to lead mankind to greater things.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

UA E39 Compression Shirt

Testing muscles and measuring heart rates used to be an indoor thing where you would be hooked up to just about a billion cords which may or may not affect your preformance, non the less it was the only way to do it. Much of the sports world you must pass training exercises and practice alot. These training exercises were normally done inside because of the cords and wires. But the future has changed that....
The UA E39 compression shirt is the new form of sports testing system. In the past they have used bands and hooked you up to a machine to measure heart rates, energy levels, breathing rates and ect. Now ushering in a new era of monitoring athletes is the E39 compression shirt.
With this new shirt you are able to monitor and improve your training techniques so that you can become the most effective trainer, with the most effective training techniques. Since the shirt monitors your body movements it can tell which muscles are being used giving you the info you need to perfect your workouts, and get the most out of the time you have.
To get the info from the shirt all you need is a Bluetooth, computer or a smart phone. Since you only need one of the three options there is a large chance you have one, so almost everyone would be able to use it.
This shirt will probably be the most effective way of monitoring training for the next decade until a better way comes out, although it will probably be a long time before a new way will be required. This shirt will also show us how we can change our training to make it more effective so after studying longer and looking at training styles for a person we could essentially make ourselves able to train faster and harder so we will be faster and stronger then ever before because we know what to do to get us to that position.