Wednesday, June 1, 2011

UA E39 Compression Shirt

Testing muscles and measuring heart rates used to be an indoor thing where you would be hooked up to just about a billion cords which may or may not affect your preformance, non the less it was the only way to do it. Much of the sports world you must pass training exercises and practice alot. These training exercises were normally done inside because of the cords and wires. But the future has changed that....
The UA E39 compression shirt is the new form of sports testing system. In the past they have used bands and hooked you up to a machine to measure heart rates, energy levels, breathing rates and ect. Now ushering in a new era of monitoring athletes is the E39 compression shirt.
With this new shirt you are able to monitor and improve your training techniques so that you can become the most effective trainer, with the most effective training techniques. Since the shirt monitors your body movements it can tell which muscles are being used giving you the info you need to perfect your workouts, and get the most out of the time you have.
To get the info from the shirt all you need is a Bluetooth, computer or a smart phone. Since you only need one of the three options there is a large chance you have one, so almost everyone would be able to use it.
This shirt will probably be the most effective way of monitoring training for the next decade until a better way comes out, although it will probably be a long time before a new way will be required. This shirt will also show us how we can change our training to make it more effective so after studying longer and looking at training styles for a person we could essentially make ourselves able to train faster and harder so we will be faster and stronger then ever before because we know what to do to get us to that position.

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